Parents, Choose UP, Choose God
As parents, it is our responsibility to guide and lead our children and family. Any lack of being present as a parent will harm and destroy our marriage, children, and family, yet we can have resolve when we turn to God, repent, and do what God says to heal restore our self and our family.
Being consumed by any of our selfish desires (infatuations, lust, greed, anger, vanity, etc.) separates us and creates unhealthy habits and patterns which take us away from our spouse and children. Addictions and vices make us numb and indifferent, which then we are NOT able to face our fears (false evidence appearing real), hurts, traumas, past experiences, intergenerational patterns and traumas, and more.
When we ignore and avoid the unhealthy habits and patterns in our life from what has happened during our lifetime and from previous generations we cause division and harm to our children, family, extended families and and friends, and future generations.
Choose UP, Choose God.
All the Best, Take care